Is Corey Feldman the bravest person in Hollywood? He just might be.
In a town filled with envy, double standards and contempt towards anyone who gets more air time than they did, the stance Corey Feldman has taken is brave, frightening and has the potential to shake the town to its foundations: if he is allowed to say what he needs to that is.
Corey Feldman’s already a brave man for telling the truth about some of Hollywood big players long before it has become fashionable to do so after the fact. However, if he were to take this further by even hinting at names, he would not only get blackballed for life, but would likely be in danger of personal harm and, at the very least, some very expensive lawsuits filed against him.
This is why the money Feldman is asking for his new film is viable and should not second guessed at by those who have not even lifted a finger to protect those who have been harmed, are harmed and will be harmed in the future if nothing is done now.
As for why Feldman is acting now? It’s not uncommon (and for the record Feldman has been vocal about this issue for many, many years). Men are less likely to come forward than women because they feel like they are supposed to be the strong ones. These offenders are some of the most powerful people in Hollywood. It’s not easy taking them down and these actors/models/etc are afraid to come forward especially if they are taking off in their careers. You can tell Corey has suffered a lot of mental damage from the ugly experiences he has gone through and I sincerely hope he makes his monetary target, is not shut down beforehand and I hope he goes forward with his promise.
I’ve been alarmed to see how Corey’s been pushed aside as being a clown about even this very subject but it’s another form of denial and it sums Hollywood up. If any one of these celebrities really cares about this issue, I sincerely hope they put their money where their mouth is because only Feldman is really serious about combating this evil. And for Johnny-come-latelies like Tarantino, they should be cutting a check to make sure this film is financed.
Once this film is hopefully made, it will be all over the web, getting the message out there alongside social media for everyone to see behind the curtain: the scandal, bribery, failed court systems.
Like many victims, Feldman has been through quite enough and I for one am glad he is taking a stand. If women can be heard and their violators shamed and brought to justice — why should innocent children not be paid the same respect?
Documentaries can change people’s minds due to quantifiable information. People learn through audio/visual plus a lot of people don’t like to read anymore. The more people that get outraged after seeing the movie will draw enough attention on the problem to hopefully end it
We should applaud Corey Feldman for taking a stand. Paedophile executives get $10 million budgets all day long for films no one bats an eye to see. Corey is trying to get as much as money as he can to get this done, to pay for very expensive lawyers/security to expose people who will end up suing him.
The crowdfunding site is flexible, meaning even if he doesn’t reach the goal, he’ll still try to make do with what he gets. He’s trying to get this out there in a way that’s going to be irrefutable. Right now, any name he puts out people will deny/ask why he didn’t say it sooner/he’ll be sued.
Try to understand what he’s trying to do instead of shutting him down.