Je ne regrette rien, Mr Juncker.
There is a window of opportunity here, but not if you’re determined to stain it with your obstinacy Mr Junker.
So the UK will regret leaving the EU, a statement made with the cold assurance of a Bond villain first serving up plaudits before zoning in for the proverbial golden bullet.
It is clear from the EU’s plans the vote to ‘Remain’ was a misnomer. It was a vote to become part of a larger single European state. Was this explained to the people who voted to remain? The campaign was focused on scaring them into accepting something they didn’t really want. It worked in some cases but thankfully there were more that saw through it.
Juncker is symptomatic of all that is wrong with the EU. Yes we may be poorer in the short term but we will survive and thrive in the longer term. More importantly, we will control our destiny unlike other EU nations.
No amount of financial crisis, EU corruption, open borders, aloof EU technocrats out of touch with the electors who they purport to represent let alone the bloated salaries we subsidise has any meaning to such self-serving autocrats.
How can we believe anything other than that the UK would be completely taken over and ruled by Brussels, so that the UK parliament is nothing more than a parish council, which gives the semblance of ‘democracy’.
How can we justify smaller countries getting more seats per population? Malta has 1 MEP for every 70,000, Germany 1 for every 852,000.
Where is the praise Juncker? Praise for progress on migration? Opening of more legal migration routes? Romania and Bulgaria joining freedom of movement?
Juncker has now made it clear that when we voted on 23 June last year, the choice was not simply between being in EU versus leaving. The choice was between much greater integration with Europe & losing our national identity versus leaving. Why was this not made clear last year? If it had been, I am sure the Brexit margin would have been much greater than 52%.
Farage is correct, the powers that be (Juncker, Verhofstad et al) refused to give any concessions to David Cameron and therein lies the rub as the first vote to leave the EU was guaranteed.
Juncker is a cracked record; neither he nor the EU generally understands the UK not wanting to prop up failed Mediterranean economies, provide welfare for Poles and other Eastern Europeans or maintain open borders that directly jeopardises national security. Thus far, the EU have not negotiated, they act as a jilted wife demanding ludicrous sums of money.
They ask why the Conservative government isn’t making progress. Doesn’t the megalomaniac Eurocrat realise that his aggressive, arrogant, patronising and condescending language is a big part of why the referendum went the way it did?
Juncker today promised an EU army by 2025. Just last year Nick Clegg said talk of an EU army was “dangerous fantasy”. Well Clegg, I guess it is not for the UK to say whether the EU can have an army, or not.
The ‘window of opportunity’ Junker referred to is quite obviously the chance to rip-off the UK with the ‘divorce bill’ for having the temerity to want to leave the EU.
After all, who will pay for the Eastern European infrastructure and subsidise the French farmers now?
The EU is not the fluffy utopia our naive remainers like to believe. In his latest diatribe, you have to admire the way Juncker precedes his threats with “we respect the will of the British people” BUT we are determined to make them suffer.
There is a window of opportunity here, but not if you’re determined to stain it with your obstinacy Mr Junker.