Modi’s BJP isn’t rendering true Indians stateless, only identifying ILLEGAL immigrants to protect Assam.
As the Narendra Modi BJP government released its final draft of Assam’s National Registrar of Citizens (NRC), it subsequently became clear that some four million residents are to be declared as foreigners (primarily Muslims, but Hindus too), effectively stripping them of their citizenship and raising fears of deportation.
But contrary to what some want to believe, this is not about ‘targeting’ Muslims or shoring up a vote bank for 2019 and re-electing the BJP, this is about practicality, the law, culture, demographics and fighting fraud.
Ever since this illegal migration occurred in Assam, the population growth of Muslims in Assam has shown itself to be abnormal and can be connected solely to the illegal influx of foreigners and their rapid productivity. There are reports available that inhumane crimes such as rape, murders and religious turmoil, among others, have been committed allegedly by Bangladeshi intruders and jihadists. The banned organisations such as Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh (HUJI) and JM-B wish to wage a jihadist war in Assam and are looking to grow their reach into neighbouring West Bengal.
Indeed, in West Bengal, BJP State President Dilip Ghosh said that if brought to power, the party would seek to replicate the process in the state.
“There are more than 10 million illegal immigrants here and because of whom there is pressure on the security of the country, security and economy of the state. We have to free West Bengal from this,” said Ghosh.
The co-existence of multiple communities and languages is the core of India’s celebrated diversity. But, Assam may be one of the few cases (barring Tripura) where the dilution of the native culture and language has had such a profound impact.
According to the Census in 1871 ,the percentage of Muslims in Assam was 4% which has now risen to 35%. The population of Assam in 1871 was 41 lakhs out of which 1.76 lakhs were Muslims.
Today the population of Assam is about 3 crores. This enormous change in demographics has been mainly fuelled by migration from Bangladesh(East Pakistan).
There seems to be no realistic way of curbing this phenomenon other than what Modi has done this week. The Congress/CPM/CPI/Left parties have encouraged actively via their cadres to get people from Bangladesh and settle them in Assam. These parties provide Voter-Id Cards and bus facilities for these migrants to enter into India and become Indian citizens. The Congress cadres give these illegal migrants gas cylinder cards/Aadhar cards/Ration cards created for these illegal immigrants to settle them in India.
If the government itself is supporting the migration (there couldn’t have been such large scale migration without Congress government support up to this point) then it is very difficult to stop it, until now.
Rendering illegals stateless and deporting them is not the answer. This problem can be solved only if both the BJP government and those identified as illegal cooperate with each other.