Since when did Hinduphobia become so acceptable?
Another day, another Hindu-bashing article on the BBC. This time it’s an asinine piece about a typically haughty television programme that somehow promotes child marriage and molestation, except that it doesn’t.
But it’s another in a very long line of negative Indian and Hinduphobic articles over the years that have smashed Hindus over the head with exaggerated stereotypes and gross ridicule directed at everything from the caste system, mass rape and grooming gangs, skin lightening cream and hating, utterly hating, Narendra Modi, the BJP and any whiff of Indian nationalism (in India no less, can you imagine?!).
What gives with this myopic and jaundiced view, which has conveniently ascended since Narendra Modi’s meteoric rise since 2014?
Many Indians and Hindus have complained against the BBC’s anti-Hindu bias, but they have always turned a blind eye to their reason. It doesn’t matter to them that Hinduism has a long history, a deep philosophy and a rich culture that promotes respect for all faiths. Instead of celebrating these noble traditions, the BBC focuses on isolated cases of village goons terrorising women or how all Indians seem to celebrate the caste system and go round beating or maiming anybody who looks at a cow cross-eyed.
What’s also interesting is that anytime a derogatory story is wheeled out against Hindus and India, the BBC finds the most unsuitable talking heads to spout their vitriol to support their version. Rather than turn to the VHP UK, HSS, SEWA or many of the national and regional Hindu bodies in Britain, the BBC instead takes the viewpoint of communists, Islamists and far-left troublemakers to heart instead, and if they do wheel out someone from India, it’s usually someone from a village that hasn’t seen a television camera in their life.
It’s not just the ‘cultural’ topics above that get the anti-Hindu spin but the most serious issues too, whether it’s their coverage of the Godhra riots, the Gujarat earthquake, the Gujarat riots of 2002 or even in their latest partition programmes.
Whenever these flashpoints come up, the BBC turns to mischief-makers like Awaaz, which is predominantly dominated by Muslim and Far-left organisations, who always remain silent over ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Thirty thousand Kashmiri Hindus have been massacred in Kashmir and half a million have been driven out of their homes by Islamic terrorists and made refugees in their own homeland. Why doesn’t the BBC question their speakers’ selective choice of human rights issues to understand the lack of credibility in their reporting?
Over the last decade the BBC has directed its Hinduphobic agenda against India (specifically against Hindus) in line with propaganda tools such as NDTV and India Today.
Their much preferred hate-target was and is Narendra Modi and therefore Hindus or Hindutva by association, but it also comes across in giving oxygen to smear pieces against individuals like Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi, who apparently is a raging racist, rapist and terrorist who murdered Indians and Muslims while in the employ of the British in South Africa.
The BBC also cleverly picks communist writers from India who possess exceptional prejudice and hatred for Hindus and Hindu civilisation to give their nuanced and much sought after analysis.
It’s interesting that the BBC loves to talk about rape epidemics in India while continuing to ignore what’s happening in its own backyard in England. They blacked out the story of hundreds of young girls molested, raped and/or murdered by Islamic goons. Elsewhere, the British system continues to hound and persecute Tommy Robinson who raises his voice against these crimes and websites such as Breitbart that press the inconvenient facts.
If India remains secular and still hosts a variety of religions and cultures it is only because of Hindus. If Hindus had become as militant as Christians in the past or Muslims there would be no other community left in India.
Why BBC, do you pretend to be religion-neutral by definition, yet display such hostility against Hinduism, while failing to even acknowledge the crimes of Islam in India?
The Left, through sources like the BBC, began a determined and sustained effort to attack Hindu society a long time ago, only now it’s become fashionable because it-and its echo chambers-turn a blind eye to open apologists for Islamic crimes of the past and present.
Through this slow drip feed of anti-India propaganda, every aspect of Hindu civilization is derided, every national hero slandered and every villain glorified. And Narendra Modi of course became the ultimate punching bag, with some having the temerity to call him an ‘Indian Hitler’.
It’s time to finally call out this biased reportage, the frenzied Op-Eds and articles as what they are: opinionated barrages based on dubious sources and grotesquely creative in their interpretations.